Death Charts as Cosmic Obituaries: Luis Ricardo Falero


Self portrait oil on canvas

Birth: 23 May 1851, Granada, Spain. Time unknown.

Death: 7 December 1896, London, England. Time unknown.

The only reason I know who Luis Ricardo Falero is is because …

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The Birth and Death Charts of Adrian Carton de Wiart


Painting by Sir William Orpen, 1919 (National Portrait Gallery, London)

I happened to encounter this curious little clip from a Joe Rogan podcast in which the guest talks about …

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Planetary Dignity and the Zodiac Debate


Perhaps the single most challenging difference to deal with when seeking to reconcile Western and Vedic astrology is the Zodiac Question: Tropical or Sidereal? If this issue was not in …

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The Bhava Chalit House System


What are the houses of an astrological birth-chart?

In very simple terms, the houses of the horoscope divide the space around the earth into twelve slices, so to speak, each of …

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Advanced Astrology for Beginners Course June/July 2023


“God geometrises“
– Alice Bailey

So, you like astrology and you know a few odd bits about it, but you haven’t gotten hands on with it yet. You’re aware that astrologers study …

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Draw Zodiac Wheels by Hand

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The Yogas of Jyotish

One of the most intriguing and valuable features of Jyotish is it’s vast canon of ‘Yogas’ and associated aphorisms. The word ‘yoga’ essentially means to ‘join’ or ‘unite’, and here …

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The Trials and the Triumphs of Sade Sate

“This is courage in a man: to bear unflinchingly what heaven sends.” 
— Euripides

Vedic astrology singles out transiting Saturn’s Conjunction to the natal Moon as a particularly ominous event that brings …

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The Symbolism of Exalted and Fallen Planets

There is an important principle in horoscopic astrology which states that planets are Exalted or in their Fall in certain specific signs of the zodiac. The premise is, on the …

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The Four Aims of Life and the Houses of the Horoscope

Jyotish, or Vedic Astrology, divides the twelve houses (or ‘bhavas‘) of the horoscope into four groups, each associated with one of the ‘puruṣārthas‘, or the Four Aims of Life.

Dharma (righteousness, …

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