Course Details


  • Every Sunday at 19:00 London Time (GMT +1) from 9 June to 25 August 2024, on Zoom.
  • The duration of the live lessons will be approximately two hours. Sometimes we allow it to run a little longer.

Attendance and Recordings

  • Lessons will be recorded and sent to all participants within 1-2 days of the lesson.
  • Attending the lessons on Zoom is recommended, but if you can’t make it you will be able to stay in step with the recordings.
  • Participants will get to keep the recordings but they are for personal use and should not be shared without permission.
  • Some parts of the recorded material may be used by Richard Fidler for future online publication or in other educational projects and products.

Study Materials and Assignments

  • Participants will at various stages before and during the course be sent study materials and useful resources, along with recommendations for anchoring and supplementing the material presented in the live lessons.
  • During the course assignments will be suggested which are not obligatory, but which will support the progress of participants.
  • There will also be optional quizzes and tests to evaluate whether essentials principles have been fully grasped.
  • Richard Fidler can be contacted between lessons by email if you need help a particular part of the cirriculum.


  • There is no set fee, but a donation is required. We don’t want to create the impression that this course is cheap and of little value. The simple reason there is no set fee is because among the people who might want to attend this course are people of vastly different financial circumstances, and we want this course to be accessible to all who really want to attend.

Register for the Course