Transits, Progressions & the Graphic Ephemeris: 18 Jan. – 22 Feb. 2025
Understanding Transits and Progressions is essential if you want to become a skilled astrologer. Most of the useful information we get from transits and progressions is derived from aspects, so you need to be comfortable with astrological aspects to make effective use of transits and progressions. You also need to be versed in how to read an ephemeris.
The Graphic Ephemeris is exactly what it claims to be: it’s a way of rendering the information in the ephemeris graphically visible. It’s a marvellous thing for astrologers who love aspects!
You don’t need the Graphic Ephemeris to use transits and progressions skillfully, but the Graphic Ephemeris is an invaluable tool for translating the data you’re processing when you’re using transits and progressions into a very helpful bird’s eye view. It enables you to instantly identify patterns that you would otherwise have to labor long and hard to find. When the logic and structure of the Graphic Ephemeris is grasped it opens up a world of possible uses and applications. It’s not only handy for making personal transits and progressions graphically visible, it is also useful for the study of synodic cycles in Mundane Astrology.
There will be some “back to kindergarten” exercises in this course. We’re going to create our own Graphic Ephemeris with printed templates and colored pens, using a regular ephemeris to plot the patterns of time in graphic form. It’s loads of fun, but also illuminating.
We’ll use the Graphic Ephemeris to take a deep dive into our own life cycles. Every course participant will be provided with personally relevant life-cycle graphs to refer to during the course, and in the future.
- Every Saturday at 19:00 London Time from 18 January to 22 February, on Zoom.
- The duration of the live lessons will be approximately two hours.
Attendance and Recordings
- Lessons will be recorded and sent to all participants soon after the lesson.
- Attending the lessons on Zoom is recommended but if you can’t make it you will be able to stay in step with the recordings.
- Participants will get to keep the recordings for their personal use.
- Some parts of the recorded material may be used by Sidereus Academy or Richard Fidler for future online publication or in other educational projects and products.
£90 GBP
If you feel this course is for you but you can’t afford it, you can make a donation according to your means.