
Our real truth can easily be obscured by doubts, fears and other perception distorting attitudes. I believe an effective reading confirms what your intuition has been telling you all along and helps you to tune into your authentic position on any issue. Sometimes we get stuck in a narrow view of a certain situation or relationship in our lives, and the symbolic language of astrology has the potential to open our eyes to new, liberating and even healing re-interpretations of things we thought we understood.

Astrology can help us to see our lives more objectively, which can release us from oppressive and debilitating illusions about the way things are. Astrology can show us how we create patterns in specific areas of our lives, and with this deepened self-knowledge we may gain greater control over the direction of our lives. The self-knowledge assists in self-mastery.

What an individual will get from an astrological consultation will depend on a number of factors, and there is nothing quantifiable or guaranteed about the process. People will approach astrologers for different reasons, and people vary in what they are able to extract from a reading. Astrologers inevitably have to be fairly versatile and able to accommodate different needs and different temperaments. The quality of a client’s participation is a very significant factor in determining what will transpire. Give some thought to what you might be looking for in an astrological consultation, try to communicate this… participate.

It is routine practice for me to calculate and assess both Western and Vedic astrology charts for each client and I believe this combination of techniques enhances the potential depth and accuracy of my readings.

Fees and Consultation Options

  • Consultations can be conducted in person if we happen to be located in the same area.
  • Zoom or Skype consultations are the next best thing to a face-to-face reading. We will simply have to arrange a mutually convenient time for the call.
  • I can make a recording of my interpretation of your chart and send it to you by email.

The fee for any of the above options is generally £120 (GBP), though in special cases this fee may be adjusted, up or down, if you have unique requirements that involve either more or less work from me.

Wherever possible I provide you an audio recording of the consultation for your future reference, as well as copies of the relevant diagrams.

  • Relationship and Group Dynamics can be fruitfully explored through astrology. The fees for this type of service will depend, amoungst other things, on whether or not the relevant individuals’ charts have already been calculated and analyzed by me for more general purposes. So, here too, please discuss your needs with me and I will present you with a quote based on your specific requirements.

Feel free to suggest any alternative format that may better serve your needs than the above standard options. If you have any queries whatsoever, don’t hesitate to contact me!

Arranging Your Consultation

To arrange for a consultation send me a message with the following information:

  •  Indicate the type of service/s you require.
  •  If you have specific questions or concerns you would like addressed, describe these.
  • I will need the date, time and place of birth. The time of birth is potentially the most problematic piece of required information. If the time of birth is unknown and unknowable, don’t worry; a lot can be done with the date of of birth alone. If the birth time is approximate, try to discover what the range of possible error is, and let me know. Make any reasonable effort to confirm that the time of birth you provide is the most accurate and reliable that could be found. I can work with approximate birth times, but it helps to have some indication of how reliable the given time is.
  • Provide me with a e-mail address, telephone number and/or postal address so that I can contact you if necessary.
  • I will respond as soon as possible with details of my availability, payment procedures, etc.